Sunday, September 26, 2010

t-minus 8

9.19 - 12.0, black snake over to jason's to watch some football. hot.

9.20 - 9.2, black snake loop, really fast last couple miles....felt like fitness is starting to return. happy run.

9.21 - 9.2, black snake loop, again solid running. the cool weather is invigorating.

9.22 - 0, bought a new machine and got busy.

9.23 - 4.5, lake loop evening, still busy moving machinery.

9.24 - 10.0, out and back from franklin, NC on bartram trail. beautiful, but the 9million spiderwebs put a damper on things.

9.25 - 20.0, bushwack from louis land to the AT, down to NOC, up to the jump up on the AT, back to NOC. then shuttled w/tim and lydia to tellico gap and ran over wesser bald down to NOC again! great running on nice trails. weather was cool and wet in the afternoon. just fun.
views from wesser bald were really nice after the rain.

week: 64.9

the machinery moving really took a chunk out of the week, but this is a turning point. with the good base starting to kick in, and the weather turning, there were alot of happy miles this week.
actually able to run alot of the uphill trail miles too, which is a great change from the summer of feeling weak and tired when running. encouraging! next week just needs to maintain the solid jogging, and then pace 50mi at grindstone.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

t-minus 9

9.12 - 9.2, black snake road evening

9.13 - 4.5, lake loop

9.14 - 11.5, triple lake loop afternoon

9.15 - 22.6, woody gap to neels and back over blood mtn with james.
such great weather, a super enjoyable run!

9.16 - 2.0, evening to jump in lake and back after a tough couple hours of limb trimming, 35' up!

9.17 - 4.5, lake loop morning

9.11 - 0

week: 54.3

another solid week. bad mental math told me i already had 60 miles on saturday, so i didn't run, and instead helped dad on the trees again. oh well, it was a good workout too, and the help was appreciated. still very slow, but twice during the week my last few miles were fast....a sign that speed will return sooner than later???
this coming week i hope to pop the mileage up.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

MR100 take 2 - training, t minus 10

9.5 - 0

9.6 - 4.5, lake loop

9.7 - 12.5, lake loop in morning, double lake loop evening

9.8 - 4.5, lake loop

9.9 - 17.0, black snake road in morning, hard 5+ w/byron at furman. 36:23

9.10 - 10.0, cochran shoals loop

9.11 - 9.2, black snake road in evening

week: 57.7
solid, the fast run with byron was an eye opener. 36 minutes HURT.
the weight will come off if i'm consistent.
each week needs:
a hard run or speed work day.
at least 2 doubles.
a day off.
a long run.
happy that i was able to run nearly 60 miles and it felt sustainable.